LP Wines & Liquors
Bosscal Mezcal Joven 750ml
We are adventurous explorers with a love of discovery and an appreciation of wild spaces.
We are bold in everything we do. Why do anything else?
Conscious (Environmental and Health)
We are environmentally conscious and believe in being a good steward of the Earth with sustainable and traditional artisanal production methods. We are health conscious and believe in 100% organic mezcal and purity without chemical additives.
Community and Connection
We are believers in the power and value of authentic connection; to friends, family and community.
We are creative dreamers. Why do something the same old way when you can do it in a new way? Be original and dream outside the box.
We think (almost) everything should be fun. We want the world to be more joyful, we want our own lives to be more joyful. “Have fun with it” is always the answer.
The Liquid: Bosscal mezcal is unlike any other mezcal. Light smoke, very crisp and smooth with citrus, orange and blood orange with some sweet and tartness, carries a very well-balanced palate.