LP Wines & Liquors
Snowball Coconut Cream Liqueur 750ml
Snowball Coconut Cream Liqueur is one of three Snowball brand cream liqueurs recently released. The other two flavors are Peach and Mango. The inspiration for Snowball Cream Liqueur dates back to 1923 in a small town in Northern Europe where a family started a small ice cream shop following their grandmothers homemade recipes. This family passion and dedication for making the finest premium quality ice cream has transcended through three generations and led to the creation of Snowball Cream Liqueur. Snowball is made by Creamy Creation in New Jersey and bottled at Mango Bottling in Cocoa Florida. Snowball Coconut Cream Liqueur is made with ultra premium vodka, cream, and natural flavors. It is bottled at 33 proof. By comparison Bailey’s Irish Cream weighs in at 34 proof. It pours to a golden milky beige color. The aroma is coconut ice cream. Additional time in the glass brings out pineapple and a hint of alcohol. The sweet coconut and cream entry has a thick and creamy milkshake mouth feel. Pineapple arrives building to a coconut, pineapple, and fresh dairy cream peak. It fades with gentle alcohol warmth. The finish is silky smooth leaving coconut cream pie taste.