LP Wines & Liquors
New Amsterdam Peach Vodka 750ml
New Amsterdam Vodka was born from an uncompromising passion for great vodka. From the water we use, to the grains we select, to our unique distillation process, a determined spirit flows through everything we do. This commitment to excellence delivers a great-tasting vodka with a crisp, clean taste and unparalleled smoothness. • Introduced in 2011, New Amsterdam Vodka was the fastest spirits brand in history to sell one million cases. • 5 times distilled and 3 times filtered to deliver a clean crisp tasted that is smooth enough to drink straight and distinctive enough to enhance any cocktail. • Succulent peach flavor is rounded out with orange blossom and a touch of vanilla to create a complex and pleasant fruit profile. • 91 Points 2016 Tasting Panel Score