LP Wines & Liquors
Weller Single Barrel 750ml
Much of the summer fruits continue into the palate, but they are a degree more muted and less sweet in comparison. That’s probably a good thing as the nose suggested this was potentially going to be sickly sweet. Instead, it delivers a flavor profile dominated by a strong cherry note. Cinnamon and raspberry commingle, carrying much of the palate through to the finish. There’s plenty to like and enjoy, but nothing to completely fall in love with.
As the palate’s sweetness fades, the bourbon’s dryness reveals itself. Dominated by oak and leather, the bourbon becomes much more narrow in its focus. Additional notes of chestnut, plum, and deep cherry settle in, keeping in line with the style of the finish. It works, but has much less of a WOW factor compared to its nose and more broadly, the brand as a whole. The finish is a much more traditional, and arguably, a boring tasting experience overall.