LP Wines & Liquors
Grey Goose L’Orange Flavored Vodka 750ml
“GREY GOOSE® L’Orange Flavored Vodka is made from the essence of oranges harvested year round. As with the superior bread making wheat used to make GREY GOOSE® Vodka, Cellar Master François Thibault insists on only the finest oranges to produce the best possible orange vodka. Essential oils from the fresh fruit are mixed with the wheat spirit and distilled to achieve the signature vibrant citrus character of GREY GOOSE® L’Orange Flavored Vodka. Grey Goose® L'Orange Flavored Vodka with its essential orange oils from the finest Floridian oranges give this flavored vodka a fresh essence with a hint of blossom. The smoothness of the spirit stems from the vodka ingredients. Created from only the finest French wheat and limestone-filtered spring water it opens up to reveal a vibrant, light and mouth-watering taste. On the palate, the full citrus flavor of the orange vodka is followed effortlessly by a clean, long and refreshing finish - the signature characteristics of Grey Goose® L'Orange Flavored Vodka.”
Order Grey Goose L’Orange Vodka from L&P Wines and Liquors on Drizly